Thu, 27 January 2011
Jesse speaks with Tim and Eric, about their early love for the game, and their intense trivia knowledge of it. Then Will Carroll talks to Jesse about the current steroid issue in baseball. They discuss local baseball teams of the Bay area, as well as injury and trading reports. Lastly, Jesse talks to Bill Lee about what it's like to get older but still love playing the game of baseball enough to continue.
Direct download: cy040705_12611_2.mp3
Category: Podcast
-- posted at: 1:41pm EST
Thu, 20 January 2011
Jesse sadly announces Mitch Hedberg's passing and reflects on his work as a comedian. Then comedian Al Madrigal speaks about his upcoming appearance at the 826 Valencia Comedy Benefit and also takes time to look back at Hedberg's life. Then comedian and radio host Mark Maron talks about his experience as a radio personality and role in comedy.
Direct download: cy033105_12011.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:37pm EST
Tue, 11 January 2011
Jesse talks to New York writer, artist, and musician Paul D. Miller, AKA DJ Spooky. Then writer Sharon Waxman talks about her book Rebels on the Backlot, which discusses the indie film explosion of the mid 1990's.
Direct download: cy032405_011111.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:34pm EST
Wed, 5 January 2011
Jesse speaks with the founders of the Lebowski Fest, Will Russell and Scott Shuffitt. Then, author Seth Greenland talks about his book Shining City. Finally, callers call in to talk about marmots! What's a marmot, you ask? Listen to find out! Or google it.
Direct download: cy031705_010511.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:59pm EST
Wed, 22 December 2010
Jesse talks to Amy Krouse Rosenthal, writer of numerous books for children and adults, host of NPR's Mission Amy KR, and creator of numerous short films. Next Jesse talks to Ricky Jay: magician, author, actor and historian.
Direct download: cy030305_122210.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:23pm EST
Mon, 6 December 2010
Jesse talks to Doug Benson about who will win the 2005 Oscars. Then comedy troupe The Hollow Men storm onto the show. Shenanigans abound!
Direct download: cy022405_120210.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:41pm EST
Wed, 24 November 2010
In this episode, Jesse recalls an interview he and Jordan conducted with Colin Meloy, singer/songwriter of The Decemberists. Then Jesse interviews Harvey Pekar, best known for his autobiographical "American Splendor" comic series.
Direct download: cy021705_112410.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:33pm EST
Mon, 15 November 2010
In this episode, Jesse talks to a curator from the United States Museum of Television and Radio about the "Beyond the Fringe" show of the early 1960s.
Direct download: cy021005_111510.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:51pm EST
Wed, 27 October 2010
In this episode, Jesse starts off by explaining the newfangled technology of "podcasting." Then Tom Scharpling and Jon Wurster talk to Jesse about the age old technology of radio. The back half of the episode is a track taken from a best of The Best Show on WFMU.
Direct download: cy020305_102710.mp3.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:47pm EST
Sun, 10 October 2010
The College Years is back from jury duty! On this episode, get to know the sketch comedy troupe, Olde English. And then look forward to Jesse's interview with director, actor, and writer Paul Feig.
Direct download: cy012005_101010.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:47pm EST
Sat, 11 September 2010
It's The College Years' holiday special! Oh happy day. Celebrate Christmas in September with Found magazine editor Davy Rothbart, author Christopher Moore, filmmaker John Waters, comedian Patton Oswalt, and even Jesse's little brother.
Direct download: cy121604_090910.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:41pm EST
Fri, 3 September 2010
In this episode, The Sound of Young America celebrates The Second City, one of comedy's great institutions. Appropriately, Jesse talks to Anne Libera, author of The Second City Almanac of Improvisation.
Direct download: cy120204_090210.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:09pm EST
Wed, 25 August 2010
Today's episode is a very special tribute to Ol' Dirty Bastard. In it, Jesse and guest-host Jim "Master of Would You Rather" Real welcome Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd, and partake in a little radio improvisation themselves.
Direct download: cy111804_082410.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:02pm EST
Sat, 21 August 2010
In this episode of The College Years, Jesse Thorn welcomes a few notable men. To start things off, Jesse welcomes Chuck D, of Public Enemy fame. For the second half, Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim, also known as Tim & Eric, visit the show to talk about Tom Goes to the Mayor.
Direct download: cy111104_082010.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:43pm EST
Sat, 14 August 2010
On this edition of the The College Years, Jesse welcomes guest hosts Rob Baedeker and James Reichmuth of Kasper Hauser fame and eternal MaxFun friendship. First off, the gentlemen talk with the casting director of Steve Harvey's Big Time Challenge. Next, Jesse interviews Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. And lastly, the hilarious Zach Galifianakis drops by for a brief interview.
Direct download: cy110404_081310.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:11am EST
Sun, 8 August 2010
On this edition of The College Years, Jesse and guest-host Steve Palopoli welcome SuicideGirl Pearl and monologuist Josh Kornbluth.
Direct download: cy102804_080710.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:32am EST
Sat, 31 July 2010
Jesse Thorn, by his lonesome, welcomes two very funny men on this episode of The Sound of Young America. Look forward to the great writer and radio host Tom Scharpling as well as the never not funny comedian Eugene Mirman.
Direct download: cy101404_072910.mp3
Category: Podcast
-- posted at: 3:36am EST
Fri, 23 July 2010
Listen in as Jesse Thorn and special guest host, Maria Schell welcome truly talented people on The Sound of Young America. You can look forward to writer Kristin Gore, funnyman Patton Oswalt, and graphic novelist Art Spiegelman on this week's show.
Direct download: cy092604_072310.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:54pm EST
Fri, 16 July 2010
In this edition of The College Years, special guest-host Kathi Kamen-Goldmark joins Jesse as they welcome a few chosen people on The Sound of Young America. First, Jesse and Kathi talk to Chris Jackson from H.O.P.E. in America about Paris Hilton's 2004 dallience with literature. Right after that, Count Bass D drops some knowledge on the show. And to end things, Sarah Silverman graces the show with her funny.
Direct download: cy090204_071510.mp3.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:44pm EST
Fri, 9 July 2010
In this episode, Jesse starts things off with a celebration of the music of Randy Newman. Then, cartoonist Dan Piraro talks about Bizarro and politics. Also, Dame Edna Everage graces the show with her presence.
Direct download: cy081904_070810.mp3.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:03am EST
Mon, 28 June 2010
Co-hosted by Jamis MacNiven, W. Kamau Bell, and Al Madrigal, this week's show has filmmaker Tyler MacNiven, author Steve Almond, artist Marc Horowitz, and musicians Tony Goldmark and Jacob Slichter.
Direct download: cy072204_061810.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:40pm EST
Fri, 9 April 2010
Co-hosted by Brian Lane and Arthur Gauss, this week's show has artist Brandon Bird, author Geoffrey Nunberg, and comedians Jimmy Pardo and Shelley Berman.
Direct download: cy071504_040910.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:02pm EST
Mon, 15 February 2010
In this episode, Jesse welcomes writer Joanne Gilbert, comedian Jeff Richards, and writer-comedian Harmon Leon.
Direct download: cy070804_021510.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:20pm EST
Wed, 20 January 2010

Historian Kenneth C. Davis & Comedian Patton Oswalt on the show. PLUS some standup by "The Jazz Comedian" Franklyn Ajaye.
Direct download: cy061704_012010.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:41pm EST
Mon, 11 January 2010

Comedians Jasper Redd & W. Kamau Bell on the show, PLUS a contest to win a chance to fly with Jesse on a WW2 Red Baron Pizza biplane!
Direct download: cy052704_011109.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:00am EST
Wed, 6 January 2010
Today's Theme is: Sticking it to The Man. With guests Michael Slack & Rich Stimbra of the San Francisco Comedy College, and Davy Rothbart of FOUND! Magazine.
Direct download: cy052004_010610.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:19pm EST
Thu, 31 December 2009

Our rock star friend, Andrew W.K., give's Jesse's little brother Brendan some rock n roll advice. Brendan Thorn (aka Eddy Demon) is the frontman of the band Total Annihilation.
Direct download: cy050604_123109.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:38pm EST
Wed, 16 December 2009

Today's theme is FOOD - Our guest is Jamis McNiven, eccentric restaurant mogul of Bucks of Woodside and the author of Breakfast at Bucks: Tales From the Pancake Guy.
Direct download: cy042904_121409.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:00am EST
Wed, 9 December 2009

Hang It Up / Keep It Up - PLUS: Andrew W.K rocks The Sound of Young America.
Direct download: cy042204_120909.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00am EST
Wed, 2 December 2009
Today's Theme: Pathetic! Tales of a woe and failure. Featured guest is The Onion's Maria Schneider: She's the creator of the comic strip Pathetic Geek Stories.
Direct download: cy041504_120209.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:00am EST
Wed, 25 November 2009
In today's episode: The Sound of Young America boys showcase some of their comedy chops with their sketch group Prank The Dean. Also an interview with Santa Cruz's long-form sketch group Freefall.
Direct download: cy040804_112509.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:00am EST
Wed, 18 November 2009
In today's episode: What type of girl is best? Sarah Silverman is best.
Also writer/musician Seth "Fingers" Flynn Barkan discusses his book " Blue Wizard Is About To Die! which is a poetry book... about video games.
Direct download: cy040104_111809.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:41pm EST
Wed, 11 November 2009

Brian "Back In Business" Lane covering for Jordan Morris in this
installment of TSOYA. With guest Patton Oswalt and the comedy stylings
of Jesse's little brother: Brendan Thorn.
Direct download: cy032504_111109.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:47pm EST
Thu, 5 November 2009

Jesse and Jordan interview Teddy from The Gaskets and hold a contest for Willl Durst tickets. Good times and Capri Suns.
Direct download: cy020504_110309.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:29pm EST
Mon, 20 April 2009

Jesse and Jordan and later Brian interview sketch comedy power duo Eric Slovin and Leo Allen of Slovin and Allen. Top notch episode: all killer, no filler.
Direct download: cy012904_041909.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 8:02am EST
Mon, 6 April 2009

Jesse and Jordan host this College Year with rock and roller and high five ambassador Teddy from The Gaskets. Throw in some ticket giveaways, some music, and some mocktails and you've got a hell of a show.
Direct download: cy020504_040609.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:29pm EST
Mon, 23 March 2009
Jesse and Jordan host a comedic romp through comedy with an interview with The Second City's Allison Bills. Also in this episode: some Nichols and May bits and talk of Rooster T Feathers and its patrons.
Direct download: cy021904_032309.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:09pm EST
Mon, 16 March 2009

The College Years is back with a vengeance! Our hosts, Jesse, Jordan, and Brian interview famous comedian Doug Benson on the Marijuana-Logues and The Oscars. Also in this show, NY correspondent "Big Time" Gene O'Neill and a joke about The Sound of Young America getting broadcast nationally.
Direct download: cy021204_031509.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:15am EST
Mon, 15 December 2008

Boy oh boy do we have a show for you. Famous actor-turned-musician Steve Burns, of Blues Clues fame is interviewed by Jesse and Jordan. Much more in this program including fan-favorite Jesse's Little Brother Brendan Tells a Joke, an interview with foreign correspondent, Giant Talking Bear, and advice for Jesse's brother, John.
Direct download: cy121103_121508.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:43pm EST
Mon, 1 December 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, this one is a doozy. Join Jordan and Jesse on a particularly poor recording in which a flugtag participant and the Sklar brothers are interviewed. Also: the extreme weatherman, Jim Real's Would You Rather, The New Sincerity Minute, and 60 Minutes commercials.
Direct download: cy102303_120108.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:41pm EST
Sun, 23 November 2008

Step right up for a heck of a show, folks! This week: professional namer Dave Hurlbert and "Big Time" Gene O'Neil are interviewed by your hosts Jordan and Jesse. Also in this spectacular spectacle: Jim Real's Would You Rather and campaign commercials.
Direct download: cy090103_112308.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:41pm EST
Fri, 7 November 2008

This week, an interview with one of America's favorite icons, Dustin Diamond. Jesse, Gene and Jordan talk with Screech about how he chooses work, his band and the Milwaukee Metal Fest as Gene tries to derail "Choo Choo!". Please note this is a repost.
Direct download: Dustin_Diamond_Day.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:56pm EST
Sun, 2 November 2008

In this lonely episode of The College Years, Jordan and Jesse are joined by author of Masters of Doom, David Kushner. Also, comedy from and interview with a Emily Plum of Anne Francisco & Her Cable Car Casualties. Also, Jim Real's Would You Rather and Running The Numbers.
Direct download: cy100903_110208.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:06pm EST
Sun, 26 October 2008

Holy guacamole it's been a while since the likes of The College Years has rolled around. This program, hosted by Jordan and Jesse this week, has Joshua Piven (author of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook and As Luck Would Have It) and referee Jingy of Kaiju Big Battel. Also in this episode: Jim Real's Would You Rather?, Hang It Up/Keep It Up, and the historic first mention of The New Sincerity. This one's a keeper, folks.
Direct download: cy101603_102608.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:03pm EST
Mon, 30 June 2008

A star-studded episode of The College Years, hosted by Jesse and Jordan, featuring Patton Oswalt and Colin Meloy of The Decemberists, a rock and roll band. Bold statements and double-decker tacos--just two of the many things you'll hear in this blast from the past.
Direct download: cy041703_062908.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:48am EST
Sun, 22 June 2008

Spooky Suicide and Katie Suicide of The Suicide Girls join Jordan and Jesse for this arousing episode of The College Years. Also in this episode: Jim Real's famed "Would You Rather?", Erotic Confessions, Point/Counterpoint: Sexual intercourse or the new Zelda game?, and A Tribute to France.
Direct download: cy040303_062208.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:43pm EST
Sun, 4 May 2008

Tommy Davidson formerly of In Living Color joins Jesse, Jordan, and "Q" for a scintillating edition of The College Years featuring erotic confessions.
Direct download: cy022003_050408.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:38pm EST
Sat, 26 April 2008

Davy Rothbart of Found Magazine and Horatio Q Fizzlebottom--Santa Cruz's most eccentric millionaire--joins Jordan, Jesse, and Gene. Also in this episode, dreaming of Christopher Walken and "Would You Rather?"
Direct download: cy120502_042608.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:30pm EST
Sat, 12 April 2008

Rock and roll band The Flipsides and George Ratliff, director of the documentary "Hell House" join Jesse, Gene, and Jordan in this edition. Other than that, not much else.
Direct download: cy102402_041208.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:35pm EST
Thu, 10 April 2008
Comedian Louis CK joins Jesse, Gene, and Jordan on this week's
installment, with a special appearance by JB Smooth, but before that: A
tribute to Adam West and "Who Would Win in a Fight?" with Jim. All this
and more on this week's The College Years.
Direct download: cy092602_040508.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:45pm EST
Sun, 30 March 2008

Theremin player Joseph Minicello joings Jesse and Jordan for this week's action-packed show. In this show: Jordan's little sister calls seeking advice, "Mace Detective, Private Detective" episode "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone," Running The Numbers, Myths and facts about homosexuals, and "Would You Rather?"
Direct download: cy022703_033008.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 4:38pm EST
Sun, 16 March 2008

Richard Montoya of Culture Clash guests on this episode of The College Years, hosted by Jesse and Jordan. Also in the episode: giving away a lot of tickets.
Direct download: cy020603_031608.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:34pm EST
Sat, 8 March 2008

Comedian team the Sklar Brothers join Jesse, Jordan, and Maya Baldwin on this edition of The College Years. Also in the episode: gossip about Larry King.
Direct download: cy011603_030808.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:32pm EST
Sat, 1 March 2008

The Sound of Young America: The College Years is a chronicle of the rise to power of three young men who would one day become kings of the radio field. Comedy, interviews, banter, delight.
Direct download: cy013103_030108.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:29pm EST
Sun, 7 October 2007

Without guest Dee Dee Ramone. Jesse, Gene and Jordan try to obtain an interview with Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Dee Dee Ramone, but they repeatedly fail in hilarious fashion.
Direct download: cy071007_020509.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:40pm EST
Thu, 30 August 2007
Guests David Cross and Reel Big Fish. Gene and Jordan, minus Jesse and plus Brian, get to talk to David Cross until an alarm sound cuts off the interview. They finish up with an extended interview with ska band Reel Big Fish. But first, "The Divine Hand of Adam West"!
Direct download: cy070830_020606.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 3:44pm EST
Tue, 31 July 2007

Jordan, Gene and Jesse make bold proclamations usually reserved for talk radio. But this time, they're taking it to you!
Direct download: cy070731_020523.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:46am EST
Wed, 18 July 2007

Jesse, Jordan and Gene are back with another installment of Mace Detective, Private Detective; later, Jordan attempts to survive his amnesia to finish the show.
Direct download: cy070718_020502.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:33pm EST
Sun, 13 May 2007
Guest Swamp Dogg. Jordan and Gene talk to Inspector 14, inspector of
undergarments, while Jesse is suspiciously quiet. Later, soul legend
Swamp Dogg candidly talks about his bizarre career in music, as the
guys intermittently play some of his songs.
Direct download: cy070513_020425.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:16pm EST
Fri, 4 May 2007
The guys talk animation, including an interview with animator Liz Holtzman and botching contests with Spike Decker of Spike & Mike' Film Festival.
Direct download: cy0705404_020418.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:58pm EST
Sun, 29 April 2007
Guest David Wain of Stella and The State. Jesse, Jordan and Gene talk to the new state bird of California and the old one; later, David Wain talks to the guys about why The State was so good and not currently on the air.
Direct download: cy070429_020411.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:13pm EST
Fri, 30 March 2007
Guest Davy Rothbart of Found Magazine. Jesse, Jordan and Gene listen to some found audio with Davy and Sasquatch, who only has fake audio.
Direct download: cy070330_020404.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:03pm EST
Thu, 22 March 2007
Guest Dave Attell. Gene, Jesse and Jordan go through a roller coaster of emotions before speaking to the host of Insomniac, making Jesse cry in the process.
Direct download: cy070322_020314.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:50pm EST
Thu, 22 March 2007
Guest Mike Nelson. Jesse, Jordan and Gene talk to the former head writer and host of Mystery Science Theater 3000 about his books and "Choo Choo!".
Direct download: cy070322_020307.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:36pm EST
Wed, 14 March 2007
Gene, Jesse and Jordan help a fan ask out a cute radio DJ, while also creating many natural disasters with a CD of sound effects.
Direct download: cy031307_022802.mp3.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:08am EST
Fri, 23 February 2007
Jesse performs a scene with superstar Jimmy Rogers, while Jordan and Gene have a tag-team date, all with the backdrop of love.
Direct download: 01_Perhaps_Its_Love_02_14_02.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Fri, 23 February 2007
The guys find the perfect makeout song and give rock & roll facts, while Jordan tries to push a new catchphrase.
Direct download: 01_Go_On_Home_You_Foreign_Communist.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:19pm EST
Tue, 13 February 2007
Andrew Anton tells us about his odd teenage recording career.
Direct download: cy070202_020124.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:34pm EST
Tue, 13 February 2007
We talk about the bizarre phenomenon of Song Poems and about Screamin' Jay Hawkins' Kids.
Direct download: cy070202_020131.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:32pm EST
Thu, 18 January 2007
Mal Sharpe was half of the legendary put-on duo Coyle & Sharpe.
Direct download: cy020110_070117.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:01am EST
Wed, 13 December 2006
Guest Todd Barry. We talk with comedian Todd Barry and are visited by the Evil Computer Bent on World Domination.
Direct download: cy121306_010302.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:34pm EST
Sat, 18 November 2006
Jesse and Jordan take a look at the year that was, along with guests Petey the Penguin and Phinnius MacGillicuddy.
Direct download: cy1118096_122701.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 6:50pm EST
Thu, 16 November 2006
Jesse and Jordan search for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Also, we are visited by Kieth from Five Iron Frenzy, and we talk to a lady at the sex store in Santa Cruz.
Direct download: cy111606_121301.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:15pm EST
Sat, 28 October 2006
Jesse, Jordan and Gene take calls, as listeners share their feelings. Plus a visit from the XXXtreme weather man.
Direct download: cy102806_112901.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:44pm EST
Wed, 18 October 2006

The guys rock out with fake rock & roll trivia, the Evil Computer, and more.
Direct download: cy102206_111501.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Wed, 18 October 2006
We have a grand pledgestravaganza!
Direct download: cy101806_110801.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:57pm EST
Mon, 18 September 2006

Your desperate friends on The College Years work doubletime to generate pledges for their community radio station, including offering to whore themselves.
Direct download: cy091806_110101.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 5:52pm EST
Wed, 6 September 2006

Guest Stew Thornley. We talk about celebrity death leagues with Stew, plus an interview with a deeply embittered Arbor Day.
Direct download: cy090606_102501.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:01pm EST
Thu, 24 August 2006

This week, we premier the second installment of "Mace Detective, Private Detective," plus take calls on a bold statement about dinosaurs.
Direct download: cy082406_101801.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 2:15pm EST
Fri, 18 August 2006
Hey! You getting the podcast feed in a regular feed-reader... Are you subscribed to The Sound of Young America Blog? It's all the awesomeness of the podcast, in blog form. News, reviews, cricicism, laughs. Comedy, music and culture. Everything you could ever want. Check it out. Here's the feed. If you want a one-click subscription, click here, then find whichever reader you use. And enjoy!
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:04pm EST
Fri, 18 August 2006

This week, we look into the sleeping minds of The Sound of Young America. Lots of crazy dream stories from Jesse, Gene, Jordan, Dan and others.
Direct download: cy081806_101101.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 7:52pm EST
Thu, 20 July 2006

After a long summer hiatus, Gene, Jordan and Jesse return with a vengeance. The first ever appearance of "Hang It Up" (before "Keep It Up" was even a glimmer in Jesse's eye). The XXXTreme Weatherman. Traffic from the Foppish Dandy. Also: a quiz bowl between Dan and the head of the UCSC Cheer Squad.
Direct download: cy072006_092701.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:50pm EST
Fri, 7 July 2006
May 31st, 2001. The school year was ending, and with it, our first few months of The Sound of Young America. We closed with a bang -- our original radio drama, Mace Detective, Private Detective. And more.
Direct download: cy070706_053101.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:54pm EST
Sat, 24 June 2006

This week, Jesse and Jordan battle it out -- who is the best boyfriend? Our guests are their girlfriends. Gene, single, joins in the grilling. Jordan's girlfriend was still in high school at the time. Jesse's girlfriend had flown in from New York. Five years later, this whole show is very embarassing for all involved.
Direct download: cy062406_052401.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:14pm EST
Sat, 17 June 2006

Some amazing tales this week. Jordan talks about getting put in Disneyland jail for using a bubble pipe. Gene talks about trying to convince an authority figure that he was holding something other than what was quite obviously a beer. Jesse talks about the time his mother got arrested for robbing a bank. Plus Vanessa sits in, and we hear from the Evil Computer Bent on World Destruction.
Direct download: cy061606_051701.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:30am EST
Fri, 2 June 2006

Jesse and Jordan's respective dads battle for Dad supremacy. Listeners call in and share amazing dad stories. One of the all-time great Sound of Young America episodes.
Direct download: cy060106_051001.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 11:00am EST
Thu, 25 May 2006

Jordan's birthday is celebrated, as we take calls with birthday gifts.
Direct download: cy052506_050301.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:08pm EST
Wed, 24 May 2006

On this Sound of Young America: The College Years, we celebrate America's Greatest City: New York, New York. Sorry for feed troubles earlier this week, this should be fixed. This includes taking travel tips from listeners, and calling various offices in the New York tourism department, trying to get them to reccomend a phone booth that we can use for a simulcast. As it turns out, there is a phone booth in the ground floor of the Empire State Building, but there is not one on top. I'm gonna be honest: a great effing time is had by all.
Direct download: cy051806_041901.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:29pm EST
Fri, 12 May 2006

Gene meets the girl of his dreams, as we discuss decency and indecency.
Direct download: cy051106_041201.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 9:19pm EST
Fri, 5 May 2006
Jesse, Jordan and Gene pick official things of The Sound of Young America.
Direct download: cy050406_031501.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 12:22am EST
Thu, 27 April 2006
This week's show features Extreme Weather, the Evil Computer Bent on World Domination, an all-time team, a dream in which emo kids take over a university/spacecraft, and an extensive and contentious discussion of the merits of the Radiohead album Kid A.
Direct download: cy042606_022201.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:39am EST
Wed, 19 April 2006

On this Sound of Young America broadcast, it's a potpourri, a hodge-podge, a cornucopia of miscellany. Here's a rundown: We
hear a bizarre message left on Matt's voicemail by a Briton looking for
someone named "Harry." Then a woman, who says Harry is "in trouble!"
calls. Who is Harry? Jordan improvises a poem with a yutz at the candy store. Jordan shares some Bold Statements Jesse "Runs the Numbers" Jesse and Jordan ask local businesspeople how they plan to make their business more XXXtreme Then a guy calls in to "pay allegiance to you guys." Overall, we learn that The Sound of Young America used to be surprisingly ambitious.
Direct download: cy041906_021501.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 10:52pm EST
Wed, 12 April 2006
This week Jesse and Gene talk about politics, and the hijinks are truly remarkable.
Direct download: cy041206_011801.mp3
Category: podcasts
-- posted at: 1:19am EST